Bing is Superior to Google for Building Your Personal Brand

scroogled bing it on logoLately Bing has issued an all-out assault on Google to increase its market share. Between the Don't Get Scroogled campaign and the Bing It On campaign, Bing is influencing Internet users to question their blind allegiance to the search industry king. After several TV ads and countless retargeted banner ads, I bit and took the Bing It On Challenge. My results were split slightly in favor of Bing but not enough for me to forgo the convenience and familiarity of Google. The Scroogle campaign was funny and engaging but did very little to persuade me to make the transition to Bing. The Bing It On challenge captured my fleeting attention for about a week. But then it happened!

I googled - correction, I binged - myself and fell in love! The search results for "ryan mickley" in Bing are far superior to Google's search results for the same keywords. Bing's results are perfect for promoting and displaying your personal brand whereas Google's results give little regard to showcasing your personal brand.

Here are the search results for Google:

ryan mickley personal branding google results


And here are the search results for Bing:

bing results for personal branding ryan mickley

As you can see, the results in Bing give careful consideration to personal branding elements along the right column whereas Google does not. Bing adds value to all your online personal branding efforts and is much more visually appealing than Google's results.

Try it for your personal brand and let me know what you think.

Bonus Tip! It appears Bing gives credence to Klout scores. While Klout is a fun tool to gauge influence with, it still has a long way to go before it can be considered the gold standard of influencer measurement. Regardless, Bing is likely using it as a response to Google+ Authorship. Divide your personal branding efforts between both Bing and Google. This means to strengthen your personal brand online you need to increase your Google+ Authorship authority AND your Klout score.