Top 3 Things NEVER To Do On Twitter

1. NEVER use the following words in your bio: Expert & Guru

If you truly were an expert or guru on some topic, you wouldn’t have to tell people that you are one- they would already know! Experts and gurus lead by example and their actions speak for them. They don’t need to announce their superiority on a particular topic- it is simply common knowledge. By using these words you come off as arrogant, egocentric, and narcissistic. Alternatively, you could use words like, professional, leader, enthusiast, or connoisseur. These words tend to have similar meaning but are much more friendly and appealing to potential followers. Let your tweets display your expertise and guruness. (You like that word don’t you?!)

2. NEVER tweet just to tweet

Let me paint this picture for you. As you and your significant other are enjoying a leisurely stroll downtown, you come across a gentleman who is walking alone but holding a fragmented and ambiguous conversation. He isn’t holding a cell phone up to his ear and, no, he doesn’t have a Bluetooth headset. He is simply talking to himself in public. If you tweet just tweet- you will look just as unstable as this gentleman. Hold on going conversations through @ replies and highly target potential followers. Speak to these individuals via hashtags- #. The Twitterverse will visit your timeline to examine your tweets to decide whether or not to follow you. Make sure you don’t come off as a lonely man who talks to himself in public. (But I think we all can admit we do a little self-talk in private…or is that just me?) But I digress-

And 3. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER automate Direct Messages (DM)

The fastest way to get unfollowed is by sending an automated direct message to someone who just followed you. You are essentially spamming and no one likes their private space spammed. (I realize that sounds a little weird but you get the idea). Twitter added this feature to act as a supplement to email- the only little bit of privacy you have on this social platform. By using automation services like SocialOomph, a lot of people have begun automating meaningless, annoying direct messages to their newest followers. Most of these messages consist of a simple “thank you for following me- check out my Facebook page (or website, blog, etc.)” If you really want to thank your new followers, do so in an @ reply that is personalized! This will not only start conversations (so your not just talking to yourself) but will also build relationships.