Knowing Adam Is More Important Than Knowing Atoms

Here's a thought…

We know more about atoms than we know about ourselves. How is it that man can split atoms to create an atom bomb but when asked, "Why are you here?" we look like a deer in headlights.

As a personal branding coach, I have had the opportunity to ask a wide range of people a very simple question: "What is your purpose?" And it never fails, no matter if they're rich or poor, young or old, black or white, male or female, they almost always look like a stunned deer. It's truly tragic but most people die having never known their purpose yet they are able to recite a scientific formula or calculus equation without hesitation.

What is more important: the physical sciences or the human and social sciences?

I contend the final frontier isn't outer space or 20,000 leagues under the sea.The final frontier is the "self." -Tweet This!

It's true that the question is simple - "Why are you here?" But it is also the most difficult question for people to answer. The reason is twofold:

1. They don't know the process to discovering their purpose

Although you can find many different methods to help you find your purpose, I personally recommend Kevin McCarthy's On-Purpose Process. I have yet to find a more holistic approach to discovering your purpose. Founded on Christian principles, the On-Purpose methodology is dedicated to helping leaders lead themselves, lead others, or lead businesses.

2. They don't know their Creator

If you want to know why something exists, the best way to find out is to ask the creator of the creation. Man was created in the image of God by God. So what better way to get to know who you are and why you are here than to ask God Himself. Through earnest prayer, you will receive the answers you are looking for. You are so valuable to God that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you. Clearly you have a purpose!

You see, it is for this reason that most people will never find their purpose. In this self-serving, ego-centric, self-empowerment society, it is rare for people to humble themselves and accept that through HIM all things are possible. Humanism and science have replaced God, which is why man can split atoms but cannot tell you his purpose in life. My advice: let's put down the chemistry set for awhile and pick up the Bible…and a copy of Kevin's book!