Are the Least Among Us Leaders?

My uncle Brian shared some wisdom with me that I want to share with you. He said,

Wherever you go treat the least paid in the lowliest jobs like royalty - they’ll reward the gesture a thousand fold and your back will always be covered.

I'm reminded of the CBS show, Undercover Boss, where the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies go undercover acting as employees at various levels of their company. They typically find out just how disconnected they are from their employees and how difficult the lowliest jobs really are. No matter how high your station in life may be, remember there is always someone higher than you. Jesus displayed this act of love beautifully when he did the job no one else dared to do. He led by example, kneeling down in absolute humility as God Himself washed the feet of sinners. From my own experience, some of the most enlightening conversations I've ever had were with those being paid the least.

Image source: Undercover Boss, CBS