Point 'Em Out, Help 'Em Out

I just finishing watching one of the most disturbing news reports I have ever seen. The report told the story of a "game" being played by teens in the midwest. This "game" is called "Point 'Em Out, Knock 'Em Out" and the premiss is to run up to random people on the street and try to knock them out with a single blow to the head. The reason? ...For fun. For something to do. My heart breaks for the targets of such senseless rage but I may be even more heartbroken over the meaningless waste of life. These teens have lost all respect for the gift of life. Each of these troubled teens was created with a purpose - one that the world desperately needs them to fulfill. Inside of the teen that now sits behind bars could be a book that someone needs to read, a business that could employ hundreds of people, a cure for a decease, or a new system that could redefine the way people travel. God has given everyone a gift that we can either share with the world or keep to ourselves. Everyone - including the teens playing such an atrocious "game" - has immeasurable value. It is up to us to discover, define and deliver that value through our gifts to our generation.

Servant Leadership Application

My challenge to you: Instead of wasting your life playing a game that ends in destruction, why not play a game that builds others up? I challenge you to find a random person and offer to help them out in some way. Consider that there are several languages of love most notably: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. If applicable, video tape your uplifting moment and post it on your favorite social media platform and tag it #PointEmOutHelpEmOut.

Fight darkness with light. It is the only way to positively influence our culture.

Image source: WILX-TV