Ability vs. Availability

Have you ever noticed how God uses "Average Joe" and "Plain Jane" to accomplish His work? Think about it. 

David - defeated Goliath and was anointed as the king of Israel when he was a mere shepherd boy.

Gideon - was a simple farmer before God used him to deliver Israel from Midian. 

Esther - even as a slave, God used her to save His people from being massacred. 

Mary - God could have chosen any woman in the world to be the mother of Jesus, yet He chose a peasant girl. 

Peter - a fisherman became a fisher of men and the leader of the early Church upon God's calling.

Matthew - a tax collector, one of the most detestable professions of the day, became a disciple and author of one of the Gospels. 

God prefers availability over ability. 

The common factor in each of these remarkable people is their willingness to hear and obey God's commands. I believe God tries to get the attention of many world-renown leaders but for many reasons, they ignore Him or can't hear His calling. God waits for no one. His Will will be done on earth in His perfect timing and if that means He does it through a shepherd boy or peasant girl then so be it. Man's ability is remarkably limited when his availability is remarkably limited. But man's ability is limitless when his availability to God is limitless.