Come On Leaders, Get Up & Go!

Did you know that Jesus was a "morning person?" That's right, Jesus woke early in the morning and started His day with God the Father. 

In Mark 1:35 NIV we read, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." If we are to lead like Jesus, then we too should become "morning people." Prominent leaders throughout history have had morning routines that accomplish more in a few hours than most people accomplish all day. But just waking up early doesn't help you become a successful leader. To become a successful leader you need to practice the right early morning routine! 

Jesus didn't just wake up early. He got up early, left the house and prayed alone. If we make the effort to get up early, leave the house and spend some alone time with God every morning, we too will become more enlightened, empowered and impactful leaders. 

If you are the type of leader that wakes up in "action mode," consider spending your prayer time asking God to help you see His good and perfect Will in the serendipitous moments of life. If you tend to be a critical leader, consider spending your prayer time thanking God for seven things you are grateful for. 

Leadership Lesson: Start each day early, alone, and with God.