Optimize Your Tweets, Maximize Your Effectiveness

I'm often asked by clients, "When should I tweet?" "How often should I tweet?" and "What words should I use in my tweets?" I find myself giving the same answer over and over again...it depends. And it does. It depends on your audience, your goals, and your brand. Clients are rarely satisfied with such a response, but it's the truth. To satisfy the need for a quick fix, I usually provide the client with statistics that show average answers to the above questions. I caution clients not to put a lot of stock in these tips because every audience is different, their goals may not coincide with the tips, and the common words recommended may not be on-brand. Recently, Dan Zarrella, the Social Media Scientist for HubSpot, created an infographic called, "How to Get More Clicks on Twitter." This seems to be a solid synopsis of data that could potentially help clients from all industries better their Twitter performance. Again, I recommend establishing your brand, goals, and defining your target audience before diving into a full blown campaign. But if you're eager to start optimizing your tweets today, use these tips to do so. Evaluate the results and adjust where need be.

  1. Write tweets between 120 and 130 characters
  2. Place links about 25% of the way through
  3. Tweet your links at a slower pace
  4. Choose the right words and phrases
  5. Experiment using the paper.li system
  6. Use action words: more verbs, fewer nouns
  7. Tweet on the weekends
  8. Tweet later in the day

-DanZarrella.com, 2012

Which Twitter strategies have you found to work the best for you and your business?